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Health Policies

School Nurse must work within their license regulations and follow CDC guidelines and school policies. The
following are specific tabs that will provide you information with some of these requirements.


Required immunizations:

School-required vaccine exemptions

Flowchart of school immunization law:

School-required vaccine exemptions:

A Certificate of Nonmedical Exemption is to be submitted by the student's parent/guardian upon entry and will expire annually on June 30.

Communicable Disease Management:

The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment has provided various guidelines for communicable
disease management. We at Moffat Consolidated School District #2 follow these guidelines to keep our
students and community safe. Certain diseases are mandated to be reported to Public Health to prevent
further spread of the disease, to ensure ill people receive the appropriate treatment, to identify the source
and risk factors, and to evaluate prevention strategies. The link will bring you to the Public Health guidelines
for schools on the management of communicable disease. 

Wellness Policy:

The Wellness Policy addresses what Moffat School District #2 is doing to provide a healthy environment and
can be found on the school website. The guidelines for when a child is to sick to attend school will help you
determine when to keep your child(ren) home so that a healthy environment can be maintained.